Monday, January 17, 2011

A Shouting Whisper: (Preface)

This is a tale of a journey. It is a discovery we choose to explore or ignore Either choice will do nothing to undermine the reality of God's love for us, and His constant beckoning of us to Him. It is not intended to be the story of a specific person. It is the story of God's never-sleeping love for His creation. His love is written upon the hearts of men. He has lavishly decorated life, and hidden in plain view His message to be explored and discovered. What's that message? Come home again. He established us in His image to create, love, govern, dispense justice, defend the defenseless, and to know Him--to choose Him. For all mankind longs to be loved. Yes, even God desires to be loved. Love only has the freedom and soil to sprout to fruition in the environment of choice. Without choice we cannot love. Without choice we can only do what we are required to do. What do we choose today? Do we choose the comfort of self-constructed realms of instant gratification and insulation from the risks of living freely? Or do we choose to live freely--to love. To love and be loved. To intentionally place ourselves in vulnerable positions on the way to loving others and being loved. With people, the risks of uninhibited love are great and real. The target of our affection can at any moment destroy the bond of trust that holds our gift of love in place. What then? Do we cease to love because of the pain and the hurt? If we cease to love, then we also cease to be free. If we cease to be free then we have forfeited our choice. Without the restoration of choice, how can we once again love? Or for that matter be loved? God defends choice--or free will-- vehemently. If we burn the bridge of trust between Him and us, He rebuilds it yet again and beckons us to cross over to Him. He will not force us to love Him because it would destroy the relationship. Instead He calls to us consistently and in every way. His calling out to us has been described as "a still small voice." A whisper? A whisper that contrasts boldly with the noise of man's pace and distraction. God is not hiding from man. Quite the opposite. His whisper declares unshakable and unconditional love in all that He has created and given to man. All creation testifies as God woos us with His love. Can we walk in the whisper today? Can we let the love song that was woven into our being proclaim, and mesh with God's melody of redemption and reconciliation? I hope you enjoy the story, and it causes you to think. More importantly, I pray we all find the unity of the heart's song that God has created in us and for us, and take the lover's path back to Him.

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